heise preisvergleich


STATUS Code: 429 Too Fast, you are temporarily banned

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Our automated system has detected unusual traffic from your computer, your network or your ISP. To ensure our service for all users we have temporarily blocked you.

Most common reasons for a ban:

  1. You are using a VPN connection

    VPN users are being blocked sometimes since there has been an increasing number of suspicious activities of VPN networks. Please deactivate your VPN connection to continue using Skinflint or add an exception to your VPN client for the following sites/IP-adresses: geizhals.at (, geizhals.de ( or geizhals.eu (

  2. Suspicious traffic from your IP address

    Another reason could be that the IP address you are using is on a public blacklist. You can check this here (cleantalk.org) or here (abuseipdb.com).

  3. You are accessing our website using scripts or automatized

    We are asking you to avoid an automated parsing of our website.

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Was your ban unjustified?

No system works perfectly, sometimes mistakes can occur. Please send us an email to webmaster@geizhals.at and share the following ban ID with us: ODbsMKM%2bnUOeL3q%2bMTV=